Section: Dissemination


  • Christine Bourjot was co-organizer of the “Forum des Sciences Cognitives”, Université de Lorraine, November 2012.

  • In the scope of the 2012 celebrations for Alan Turing's hundredth birthday:

    • Nazim Fatès recorded a video on Turing's heritage with Inria's audiovisual service. This video can be accessed on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6awK-FHBntc .

    • Nazim Fatès was interviewed by the Eureka magazine [47] and he was a co-organiser of the three conferences on Turing that the Loria organised in September in Nancy for a large public (see http://turing2012.loria.fr ).

    • Nazim Fatès participated in recording a program broadcasted in the “Hopital des enfants malades” in Brabois, where the main topic was Turing and Computer Science (see http://www.loria.fr/news/linformatique-aux-enfants-hospitalises-de-brabois ). A paper (with mistakes) appeared in L'Est republicain (November 17, 2012) to relate this event.

    • Nazim Fatès gave a talk entitled Turing, l'intelligence des machines et le jeu in Lycée Jacques Marquette (Pont-à-Mousson) for the annual meeting of the “Associations des anciens élèves et professeurs” (October 7, 2012).

    • Olivier Simonin was invited to the Journée “Robotique et Numérique” organized by the GDR Robotique for a talk entitled “Robotique bio-inspirée : vers une intelligence collective ?” (see http://www.gdr-robotique.org/journee.php ).

  • Vincent Thomas is preparing, in collaboration with the "Bibliothèque Universitaire du Campus Lettres", an exposition "jeux: les ateliers de la pensée" where the main objective is to promote Game as an interesting subject for academics. This exposition will include vulgarization seminars with specialists of several scientific fields (economy, psychology, computer science) and animations.

  • Vincent Thomas is a participant of the Erasmus IP: "Learning Computer Programming in Virtual Environments" involving 8 foreign universities. Its objective is to promote teaching and learning of the fundamentals of computer programming through use of virtual and remote learning environments.